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It's us, Nadica and Sašo

It's us, Saša and Nadica.

We are Nadica and Sašo. A young photographer who brought us together in life. Since we complement each other perfectly, joint creation is a joy for both of us. We are both perfectionists by nature and love details. We see photography as an art rather than an industry. But you have to take time for art. Only when we get to know each other well and you trust us with your wishes can we create memories together.

You have to start early. The most beautiful moments sometimes come as expected, and sometimes they surprise us. We photograph everything from newborns, weddings, birthdays and all other occasions. We can do the work in the field, or we can arrange a visit to our new studio. 

For more, let yourself be surprised. Humans love to think about infinity. We see safety in it. We know that memories of moments last, even long after they were created. And what's easier than photos that immortalize our joy?
In our opinion, nothing.


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Poročni fotograf in videograf

Sašo Vavtar, ustvarjalen in pozoren fotograf ter odličen pripovedovalec zgodb skozi poročni video in fotografijo. Skozi svoj objektiv dojema vse detajle in podrobnosti, njegova umirjena narava in iznajdljivost pa prinašata poseben pridih vsaki fotografiji.  Sašo prinaša subtilnost in globino v vsak posnetek. Skupaj tvorita odličen par, ki s strastjo in natančnostjo ustvarja trajne spomine ter pripoveduje zgodbe skozi objekitv za vas.

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Infinity photography

Dovoliva si sanjati in hkrati gradiva na temeljih ljubezni, zaupanja ter iskrenosti. Ta filozofija je ne le najino vodilo, temveč tudi recept za srečo. Skupaj riševa nasmehe in ustvarjava nepozabne spomine, ki odražajo globoko povezanost med nama in vami.

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Družinska in poročna fotografinja

Nadica Petrova, vsestranska umetnica in živahna animatorka, ki s svojo energijo napolni vsak prostor. Njeno odlično razumevanje otrok omogoča, da ti pozabijo na objektiv in se sproščeno izražajo, zlasti pri čarobnem fotografiranju novorojenčkov. Medtem ko Nadica glasno animira, Sašo z drugačnim pogledom izrazi zgodbo. Njena živahnost in njegova subtilnost se odlično dopolnjujeta, ustvarjata pa ravnotežje, ki prinaša edinstvene in nepozabne trenutke.

Send us an inquiry

You probably have a lot of questions. We will be happy to answer them as well.


We are waiting for you!

Zahvaljujeva se za povpraševanje. Kmalu vam odgovorimo.


Nadica Petrova: 040971835
Sašo Vavtar: 070849330

Nadica Petrova, s.p.

Slower blast furnace 13

4270 Jesenice
Tax number: 13653512

We also invite you to read itgeneral business conditions photographic services of Nadica Petrova, s.p. 

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